Friday, May 11, 2012

Special Mother's Day

This is a very special Mother's Day. My 82 year old mother is cancer free!!  I was five years old when my mom was first diagnose with breast cancer. I remember not being allowed to go see her in her room, after her surgery, so my dad took me outside the hospital and around back to wave to her through her room window which was on the first floor. I have a nice memory of her sitting upright in her bed, hair and make-up done, while smiling waving back to me. Late last year her cancer caught up to her again. Once again we had to figure out how to tackle this once more. And that she did! She had the lump removed a couple of weeks ago and she is doing fine and cancer free! She is a tough one I must say, and I thank my lucky stars that she is my mom and doing well. This is one of my Favorite pictures of her at the beach. Beautiful! 

Happy Mothers day to all the amazing mamas out there! 

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