Friday, April 27, 2012


I know it's taken awhile, but I finally have joined the Pintrest community. I'm excited to get going and see what fun and inspirational things I can pin.

Hope you Follow Me, and happy pinning!!

Have a magical weekend

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How To: Clean Makeup Brushes

I recently noticed that my makeup brushes were looking a bit drab. And considering I use them everyday, they were overdue for a cleaning. Being once a  makeup artist I know that all you need is a gentle shampoo and a little time to let them soak and dry. I also want to mention how important it is to clean them every 6 weeks since they can collect bacteria and lose their ability to blend. I sometimes don't follow this simple rule always, but After washing mine I'm even more motivated to do it more often—you'll be surprised how much makeup they hang on to and how much softer they are afterwards. 

I used a mason jar to soak the brushes for 1-2 minutes in lukewarm water with a dash of  Pureology's hydrating shampoo.  Then I used the sink to rinse and dab them clean. Tip: For larger brushes drop a pea size amount into the palm of your hand and rub in a circular motion with the brush so that it suds up. Rinse and repeat if necessary.

After a quick soak and rinse, wipe the brushes on a towel and shape them so the hairs dry properly without any strays. 

Tip: display your brushes in a vase or jar face up so they avoid collecting dust and dirt in a drawer or makeup bag.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Vintage Vespa

I am pretty sure this is meant for me!!! How fun to dream that I live in a small town in the south of France.   I love love it!

Hope you are having a wonderful week so far!   

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, Monday

I wish this is where I was spending my day!  
But alas it is Monday and I will be 
taking care of business today...

What does Monday hold for you?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fairy-Tale Moment

The week has really just begun, but how I am having a fairy-tale moment.  Oh to have a place to wear such wonderful dresses! 
I hope your having a great start of your week.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dog Day Afternoon...

Being a huge animal lover. I always loving see anything with dogs, these Dog Downtown Fonts I found to be very cute...

Thought I would share with you my dog Bear, who makes me smile, love, and laugh everyday.... HARD!

Hope your having a great week, the weekend is almost here!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter weekend!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ever Blossoming

It never feels like it's officially spring to me until it's April... one way is my allergies (blah) and another is having the itch to to switch over my closet from warm winter wear to flowy and light spring/summer clothes and swimsuits. Hope all of you are enjoying great spring weather. If not, maybe these gorgeous spring-inspired images will get you in the mood for spring and prettiness. 

Hope your having lovely week so far!